Sylvia Tillman
Tension and Trauma Releasing Provider
Sylvia is a certified TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) Provider, who has a business background and knows very well what stress is.
Although she used to dismiss it as “but I am having fun”, its impacts were there: teeth-grinding and lower back pain.
Fast forward 20 years and Sylvia truly believes that stress is the root of almost all evil, but she also knows how to support our bodies to release stress, tension and trauma.
She has a foundation training in counselling, but prefers working with the body, as “The Body Keeps the Score”.
Sylvia's teaching is informative, gentle and empathic – empowering her clients to take their health into their own hands, well body, while saving time and money.
What is TRE?
TRE is a somatic tension release tool with a range of tremendous knock-on effects – both psychological as well as physiological.
TRE works on the principle that when we are stressed, we tense up and store this tension in our muscles. This can cause headaches/migraines, neck/shoulder/back pain, gastrointestinal issues, anxiety, irritability, anger, burnout etc.
Practising TRE can help to return to a state of balance by releasing tension and by down-regulating the nervous system.
Give your busy mind a rest and let the body do the work, it's TREmendous.
About Sylvia Tillman
About our clinic
Our two adjoining clinic rooms are based in Margate on the ground floor.
Communication with a whole new meaning