Irlen Syndrome Assessment for Children & Adults
What is Irlen Syndrome?
Irlen Syndrome is a distinct perceptual problem that impacts how the brain processes visual information and is not related to problems with the eyes themselves. People with Irlen Syndrome struggle to process the full range of spectral light, resulting in various challenges.
Child and Adult Assessment
From 6 years old
Pre-screening questionnaires
Formal Assessment
Feedback Meeting with Irlen’s Assessor
Comprehensive Report
Recommendations and Resources
1 overlay
Additional Consultancy
£80 per hour
May include:
Consultation with educators, legal professionals, employers, allied health professionals and families.
Bespoke target-setting
1-1 session with speech and language therapist/ Irlen’s assessor using Irlen’s resources.
Identifying Irlen Syndrome can be challenging, as its symptoms are often subtle and can vary from person to person. However, there are some common indicators that might suggest someone could be experiencing Irlen Syndrome.
These include:
Difficulty with Reading: Struggling to read comfortably, experiencing discomfort, or experiencing visual distortions when reading printed text, such as words moving or blurring.
Light Sensitivity: Being particularly sensitive to light, which can lead to discomfort in brightly lit environments or under fluorescent lights.
Reduced Concentration: Finding it difficult to concentrate on tasks, particularly those that involve reading or focusing on visual information.
Eye Strain: Frequently experiencing eye strain, headaches, or physical discomfort when reading or looking at screens for extended periods.
Slow Reading Speed: Reading at a slower pace than expected for their age or grade level due to the need to reread text or process it slowly.
Skipping Lines or Words: Frequently losing their place while reading, skipping lines or words, or having difficulty tracking lines of text.
Discomfort with Patterns and Colours: Struggling with patterns or colours, especially when they are in high contrast or involve certain colour combinations.
Comprehension Challenges: Difficulty understanding and retaining information from printed materials, which can hinder learning and academic performance.
Behavioural Issues: Experiencing behavioural problems related to reading or visual tasks, such as avoidance of reading or resistance to engaging in visual activities.
General Discomfort: Expressing discomfort or unease when exposed to certain lighting conditions, such as bright sunlight or fluorescent lights.
Irlen Syndrome Indicators
The Impact of Irlen Syndrome
Distortions in the Environment: Individuals with Irlen Syndrome may experience distortions in their visual environment, making it difficult to perceive objects and scenes accurately.
Distortions on Printed Material: When reading or looking at printed text, those with Irlen Syndrome may encounter distortions that affect their ability to process and comprehend the content.
Physical and Behavioural Symptoms: The syndrome can manifest as physical and behavioural symptoms, potentially causing discomfort and hindering everyday activities.
Irlen Syndrome is often exacerbated by external factors, including lighting conditions, brightness, glare, high contrast, patterns, and colours. It can affect people of all ages.
The Irlen’s Method
Before Assessment:
All clients must ensure that they have had an eye test within the last 6 months.
What is the Irlen’s Method?
The Irlen Method offers a non-invasive patented treatment that employs precision-tinted filters, which can be in the form of overlays or worn as glasses or contact lenses. These filters selectively reduce certain wavelengths of light, enabling the brain to process visual information correctly, mitigating distortions, and alleviating physical and behavioural symptoms.
What is the Evidence Base?
Extensive research on Irlen Syndrome includes experimental controls and peer reviews. Additionally, studies at the cellular level of the brain's visual pathways have shed light on the mechanism by which Irlen Filters effectively address the syndrome's symptoms.
About Linked Communication
Linked Communication offers a professional and friendly service where time and attention can be taken to ensure the service received is of the highest standard and there is minimal waiting time. Our specialist team will always take the time to provide expert advice so you are aware of all the pre-and post-diagnostic and therapy services available. Our clinics are suitable for children and adults, and based in Thanet. We provide online or in-person therapy sessions.

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